Explore The Immortal Universe


“It is said that in the beginning, there was but the Howling Dark, a roiling black without end, where formless minds screamed in silent madness. Our worlds, three, bow’d in perpetuity to its pull. To Pyre, we pray, may its great eye remain closed, may its wrath never fall upon our precious works.”

– The Ruined Sage

The Verdant World Nuath


In stark contrast to Shael’s sprawling landmasses, Nuath’s continents rise jagged from teeming seas, each overrun with primordial forces and voracious life. Temperate continents like Matzlan and Ulai host towering forests where Pyre’s light is reduced to a moonlike flicker. Rings of fire break from land and ocean, beset by swarms of extremophile plants and animals. Seasonal ice caps dominate the arctic in winter, only to be consumed by frost-resistant kudzu in the spring and summer.

The Arid World Shael


Wind scoured ranges loom across the planet’s verified landscapes, casting long rain shadows and feeding winding rivers. Shum’s interior would be a sprawling desert, were it not for the works of elder civilizations, whose spells and technologies draw moisture from the planet’s mantle, seeding the interior with clouds and precipitation. On the great continent of Ald, a rash of volcanic hotspots conspire with air currents to melt constantly growing glaciers, maintaining fertile river systems deep into the continent’s basins. Under the polar ice caps languish the remnants of ancient nations, buried and nameless, evidence of a warmer, wetter past .

The Shattered World Xur


Dim and distant, Xur orbits Pyre as the moon of the great gas giant Thrym. Shattered, Xur is like no other world: inscrutable, unfathomable, and utterly alien. Its crust sundered and cracked by apocalypses long forgotten, its butchered continents held aloft by forces unknown, its iridescent oceans flickering with enigmatic promise, Xur once offered magic and God-like tools to those who could survive it. No complete map of the ancient moon seems to have survived the Elder’s War, though records speak extensively of locations bearing strange and ominous names like the “Innermost Sea” and the “Smoke-Dunes of Sehk.”

  • Immortal


  • The Verdant World


  • The Arid World


  • The Shattered World


Choose Your Faction

Choose Your Faction

In the world of IMMORTAL, the power to dominate the battlefield lies in your hands. Dive into a realm where every decision matters, and every faction brings its own unique strengths and strategies.


The Angelic Empire

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The Root Witches

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The Iron Republic

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Every Army Needs Resources

Every Army Needs Resources

Resource Pyre

Resource Pyre

Pyre is the cast-off congealed blood of a God-Star. It is filled with “impurities” that the God-Star cannot fuse into more complex elements (but that magical or divine lifeforms are able to metabolize). Pyre has a crystalline structure with high energy particles or fogs, boiling off it (much like dry ice). It is unknown which civilization in the God-Star’s system first mastered its use, but across the long eras, clever species and their champions have claimed Pyre’s promethean glory to give rise to world-spanning empires or annihilate their foes in apocalyptic fury.

Resource Alloy

Resource Alloy

Alloy is an exotic super-material that naturally occurs when mundane ores are exposed to the divine energy of a God-Star (or its byproduct, Ether). Alloy is a hyper responsive material that exists in an unresolved super state (it is both liquid and solid simultaneously). When given “instructions” it resolves itself into a defined state of mass and shape, making it a premium construction resource. Alloy was stockpiled and manufactured by the ancient civilizations and used extensively in the Elder War.

Resource Ether

Resource Ether

Ether is a metaphysical byproduct of the intense magical forces native to a God-Star system interacting with a world’s magnetic and native magical fields. Like Alloy, Ether is an exotic, unresolved form of matter (plasma, gas, and liquid). Due to the nature of this phenomenon, Ether tends to concentrate in “leylines” that build up and erupt from the surface of affected planets. Harnessing and processing this supercharged substance is critical to advancing technology and powering advanced machines and organisms.